Changes to the SLD criteria in DSM-5

The diagnosis, Specific Learning Disorders, is technically still pretty new, but it does not mean it is a new disorder. In reality, it is the rebranding of Specific Learning Disabilities to reflect how it is perceived in the medical field and includes two significant...
A Teacher’s Cry for Help

A Teacher’s Cry for Help

Yesterday I received a message from a teacher in Northern British Columbia that brought me to tears. She wrote to me asking for help with one of her students, who is significantly behind her peers in reading. This family has a history of dyslexia, so that means there...

Specific Learning Disorders

According to the DSM-5*, the term Specific Learning Disorder (aka SLD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a biological origin that affects an individual’s academic skills, not their developmental milestones.   Let me break down some of those terms for...

Literacy Screening

Literacy Screening Most children begin kindergarten excited by the prospect of finally learning how to read. The idea of reading excites them because it opens the door into a world they only had access to when someone else would read to them. They are excited to be...