Happy #morphememonday everyone! I hope you are doing well and enjoyed your weekend.
This week we will be focusing on a Latin prefix and root and an Old English suffix.

Origin: Latin
Definition: with, together
Examples: collegiate, collateral, colloquialism, collate, colinea
<non> + <col> + <laps> + <ible> -> noncollapsible
<col> + <lect> + <ive> -> collective
<col> + <loqu> + <y> -> colloquy
<col> + <lab> + <or> + <ate> + <or> -> collaborator
This prefix is a variant of <con> and should not be taught until after <con> has been discussed
This prefix is suitable for teaching older students who are coming across words containing it
Origin: Latin
Definition: speak, talk or say
Examples: eloquent, loquacious, ventriloquism, prolocutor, interlocution
<soli> + <loqu> + <ist> -> soliloquist
<ob> + <loqu> + <y> -> obloquy
<inter> + <loc> + <ut> + <or> -> interlocutor
<col> + <loqu> + <ial> -> colloquial
This Latin root is one that I would teach in context or to older high school students. It is a root that would not be very useful at helping younger students define novel words they come across while reading.
Origin: Old English
Definition: made of, to make, plural form
Examples: women, shaken, sweeten, oxen, roughen
<for> + <bid> + <en> -> forbidden
<length> + <en> -> lengthen
<flat> + <en> + <ed> -> flattened
<oak> + <en> -> oaken
<write> + <en> -> written
This Old English suffix should be taught to children in the upper elementary grades.
When teaching this suffix, focus on the meanings to make, and made of before discussing that it can be used as a plural form.
When teaching children about plurals, I would mention that long ago this suffix was sometimes used to make words plural but not as common today. Some examples of words with this suffix as a plural would be oxen and women.
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